Friday, March 9, 2012

Do I?

Do I, do I, do I, want to impress you
Do I, do I, do I, want to impress you
Or do I just want to rob your glory

All the things I do in your name
All those times I publicly praised
Did do it for you or was it in vain

Do I, do I, do I, want to worship you
Do I, do I, do I, want to worship you
Or do I just want to rob your glory

Was I seeking your will or my heart
Was I selfishly using your name
In order to fulfill my worldly gain

Has my soul really truly changed
Or have I stayed my bitter self
Letting the world keep me the same

Oh Lord tell me, oh Lord tell me

Have I, have I, have I worshiped you
Have I, have I, have I worshiped you
Or have I just robbed you of your glory

Forgive me Lord, forgive me Lord
Forgive me Lord, forgive me Lord

I will, I will, I will truly worship you

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