Monday, March 12, 2012

Look Closer

The people around us everyday sometimes seem to just fade into the background. They are part of the blur that we call life. We are all so busy that we don't take time to really truly get to know each other. You can be around people for years and truly never know them. These people are all around us, our co-workers, fellow church goers, friends, and ever our spouse. We have a tendency to hide our true selfs, we hide behind a wall of fakeness that don't reveal the true beauty of our human nature, the real true us. We keep our feelings and emotions not only in check but locked in a safe for nobody to see and sometimes ourselves, we hide us for us. God wants us to be real with each other. That is way God says in the book of James "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16 KJV)". We should
talk things out with our friends, spouse, or fellow church goers. When somebody comes to you to "confess a fault" or maybe just talk about a need , you should 1. keep it confident, don't break the trust. That is one of worst things you can do, break trust. You could hurt that person from ever being open again, making them closed off from others and possibly God for years or even decades. Point 2 is this. When they come to you with a concern don't try to fix them or give them what you think. Pray for the need go into your prayer closet or where ever you may pray at. Pray for that person, their needs, desires. Remember Gods word says to "pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Our pray for our friends, co-workers, spouse, and the people we encounter everyday will be more effective than any wordly advice we can give.

In light of all this we need to look closer at our fellow man. Some ate broken on the inside and all smiles on the outside. We never know what people have going on in their life's. Today everyone is so busy that we miss the chance to look closer. Anybody could be suffering with depression or dealing with things that they need someone to talk to. Some just hide it better than others. These people are all around us. I am sure that somebody reading this may be going through some stuff. It's ok, we all hit these times in our life, but God will carry us through it. Pray to him and ask him for somebody to help you. He will send you somebody.

Remember to look closer at those around you and pray for each other. When somebody is pouring something out big or small to you, listen, they are reaching out to you. Form more bonds, friendships, be like Daniel and Jonathan - "And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. (1 Samuel 18:1 KJV)." All the running to and fro will never hold and value next to that of a bonded true friendship. Take time for each other. Be real, talk about things, you never know when our words can help somebody else. Pray for one another. Fall in love, live and enjoy life.

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